
Distinction: One of the most popular dogs in the world.
This dogs with a unique name, Dachshund, is also known as wiener dogs. They do have a unique body shape and they are known for their playful and sometimes ferocious nature.
There are different kinds of Dachshunds that you can own - including the long-haired, standard Dachshunds which has a calm demeanor, or the wire-haired Dachshund which has a personality more like the terrier's.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3372337

yorkshire terrier

Distinction: One of the most popular dog breeds in the world.
Yorkshire Terrier dogs are small pooches which are also an ideal family dog. Let's say that you live in an apartment which allows pets - but there isn't much room for the dogs to move around. Naturally, you would be selecting a breed which is small in nature - and the Yorkshire Terrier is perfect for such a setup.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3372337

golden retriever

Distinction: One of the most popular dog breeds in the worlds.
Golden Retrievers rank next to the Labrador Retriever as the most popular dogs in the world. This cousin breed is almost synonymous with the dog that almost every average American family has.
What's so good about this breed of canine is that they are gentle by nature and their temperament is suitable for kids and all members of the family to play with.
Despite their large size, they do have a way with kids which make for the perfect canine friend. Just make sure that you have enough room for them to grow, because they can weigh as much as 90 pounds.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3372337

labrador retriever

Distinction: One of the most popular dogs in the world.
Finally, we'll move on to some of the most popular dog breeds in the world. First, there's the Labrador Retriever. They are among the world's most popular dog breeds according to the American Kennel Club because of their friendly demeanor.
If you would like to purchase a dogs which is great with kids and works as a great solo companion as well, then you can never go wrong by choosing to care for a Labrador Retriever.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3372337

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Distinction: One of the most expensive dogs in the world.
To cap off our list of the most expensive dog breeds, there is the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel which can cost anywhere from $800 to about $3,500 for a puppy. What makes the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel expensive and special is that they are the ultimate definition of a man's best friend.
When you look at their puppy-dog eyes, their rich coats and their small, compact bodies, it is easy to see why anybody would want to spend a significant amount of money just to be able to own a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel puppy.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3372337

english bulldog

Distinction: One of the most expensive dogs in the world.
How would you feel about owning a dog breed which is also owned by the British royals? In the United States in particular, English or British bulldogs are both expensive and popular. This breed of dog is also favored by a lot of men who see the breed as being a symbol of masculinity and tenacity.
If you're thinking about a breed of dog to buy and you are willing to shell out the money for it, then you might as well go with one of the most popular and expensive dog breeds in the world - the British or English bulldog. A typical English bulldog puppy can cost you anywhere from $2,000 to $5,000.


Distinction: One of the most expensive dogs in the world.
Next, we will take a look at a few of the most expensive dog breeds in the world. This 'luxury' dog breed has a price ranging from around $3,000 to $8,000.
What makes the Samoyed breed particularly expensive is the fact that they are among the ancient dog breeds that have been around for the last three centuries.
There are also a dwindling number of Samoyed dog breeders which is another reason why an owner needs to pay an arm and a leg to call this canine breed his or her best friend.


Distinction: One of the most dangerous dogs in the world.
Did you know that Rottweiler is also known as Butcher dog? This canine breed ranks third in our list of the most dangerous dog breeds in the world. They are energetic, intelligent and hardy animals.
The thing which makes Rottweiler - and any dog breed for that matter - become dangerous is when they are subject to abuse and neglect. They also become a hazard to the community if they do not have sufficient training when it comes to mingling with humans or other animals.
In addition, Rottweilers are aggressive towards other dogs of the same sex. If you have cats and birds in the house, they might also exhibit aggressive behavior towards them.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3372337

German shepherd

Distinction: One of the most dangerous dog breeds in the world.
Another German breed of dog which is considered to be one of the most dangerous in the world is the German Shepherd. Unlike the Dobermans, this breed of canine does not have a particularly menacing look because they have a long coat and a generally mild-looking face.
However, they are extremely intelligent, strong and obedient, which is probably the reason why most police and military establishments employ them as guard dogs. Another characteristic of the German Shepherds which makes them particularly dangerous is their aggression towards smaller dog breeds.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3372337

Doberman Pinscher

Distinction: One of the most dangerous dog breeds in the world.
With their tall and compact bodies, dark color and alert ears, it is easy to see why the Doberman Pinscher as a dog breed is considered to be one of the most dangerous dog breeds in the world. Simply referred to as Doberman, this canine breed originated from Germany.
Generally, a domesticated Doberman is loyal, intelligent and alert. If you own this dog breed, they will be particularly loyal to you and aggressive towards strangers. They also do not like rivalry with other dogs.
What makes caring for a Doberman pinscher particularly dangerous is when the owners lack guidance, subject them to abuse or if not enough attention is given to them - upon which they can become destructive, dominant and extremely aggressive. [Dog Behavior]

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3372337

Top 10 Most Dangerous, Expensive, Loyal, & Fascinating Dog Breeds

Calling them "man's best friend" may be a cliche, but no description is more apt to describe the relationship of humans with these fascinating creatures. Loyal, smart, protective, fun and playful, dogs have served as man's ultimate companion since time immemorial.
But did you know that a dog's loyalty to his master can reach enormous, fascinating levels? Yes, there are dog breeds which are amazingly loyal to their owners.
What other "mosts" are there when it comes to these canines which man has considered to be his best friend since time immemorial? How about the world's most expensive dog breed? Or the most dangerous? Or you probably are hoping to own a canine breed which is considered to be one of the most fascinating.
Here, we will take a look at the world's most amazing dog breeds - and describe what is it exactly that makes them so outstanding.
Counting Down the Top 10 Most Amazing Dog Breeds
If you're thinking of a breed of dog to take care of, it is good to have an idea about what its temperament is, its characteristic and what makes it unique. [Owning a Dog]
To help you out, we will have a countdown of the top 10 most amazing dog breeds - ranging from the most dangerous, loyal, fascinating, popular and expensive breeds that you can buy.
1. Doberman Pinscher
2. German Shepherd
5.English bulldog
6.Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
7.labrador retreiver
8.golden retreiver
9.yorkshire terrier 

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3372337

Dog Training Fundamentals - 5 Key Dog Behaviour Factors That Affect Training

Whether you already have experience of dog ownership, are a new dog owner or are about to be a dog owner, then training your dog is one of the most important aspects you need to consider. Likewise if you currently have a dog with behaviour problems, then dog training is essential.
However, knowing you need to train your dog and actually training your dog are two entirely different things. Just where do you start?
To successfully train your dog, you need to consider and understand some key facets of dog behaviour. Knowing and understanding these 5 facets will greatly improve your dog training.
1. The origins of dogs. Dogs are in essence descended from modern day wolves. While domestication has dampened or eliminated many traits, some key natural instincts still remain. Like wolves, dogs are pack animals. What does this mean?
Well, there are several traits that derive from being a pack animal. The important ones when it comes to training are dogs are naturally sociable, they are used to routine and they are used to a social structure (i.e. the famed alpha male).
As sociable animals dogs thrive on the interaction with other dogs. A dog does not consider you as a human but rather a funny looking dog. Therefore, dogs thrive on the interaction with you. Just like a wild wolf, rejected by the pack, if you starve a dog of this interaction, they will become unhappy and very agitated.
When it comes to training, you can use this to reward or punish your dog. Interacting with your dog (e.g. patting, encouraging/excited talk, etc) can be as much of a reward as treats of food. Similarly, ignoring your dog (e.g. turning your back, stern talk, putting them in another room, etc) can be a harsh punishment for a dog. Its definitely better than smacking them.
As with all animals (including humans), dogs thrive on routine. If they know what and when they are likely to be doing certain things, then they are relaxed and comfortable. They know what to expect and are not confused by ever changing circumstances.
Training should also stick to a routine. Decide when the best time of the day is best for you to train your dog and stick by that time as rigidly as possible. Your dog will soon get into a routine of expecting to be trained at say 3pm every day and will be prepared for when training time comes. If your dog is ready and expecting to be trained, then it goes without saying that they will actually train better.
Within a pack there is always the alpha male. The dog that leads the pack, protects the pack and ultimately ensures the pack is fed and survives. As mentioned, a dog sees you as a funny looking dog and not a human. To be a good dog owner you absolutely need to be the alpha male. How many nature programs have you seen where the alpha male is being challenged by one of the other would be alpha males? Likewise, your dog will be challenging you to be the alpha male - this is a natural instinct for them.
You must establish yourself as the alpha male from the beginning. Providing food, interaction, punishing bad behaviour, body and vocal language all go towards asserting yourself as the alpha male. If your dog does not consider you as the alpha male, then they will not listen or act on your training instructions.
2. A dog's memory. We all know that goldfish have short memories. However, you may be surprised to know that dogs also have short retention memories. If you could tell your dog something, it is likely that by the next day or a few hours later, they will have forgotten. On the other had (or paw) dogs do have incredibly good associated memory. This basically means that if your dog can associated something with what you tell it then it will likely remember what you told it for years to come.
For example if you told your dog (assuming you could speak doggy language) that the chocolate biscuits were in the cupboard your dog would probably forget this within a few hours. However, if you showed your dog where the chocolate biscuits were, repeating the words 'chocolate biscuits', every time you said 'chocolate biscuits' it would probably go straight to the cupboard. It may also search the cupboard every few hours for the rest of its life looking for the chocolate biscuits but that's not the point.
Therefore, when training your dog you need to associate the training topic with something. For example: if you are teaching your dog to sit. If you associate the word 'sit' by getting your dog to physically sit and then giving them a reward. Repeat this a few times and soon your dog will associate your command 'sit' with it physically sitting and then getting a reward. The difficult bit is disassociating the reward - ask yourself why almost every dog will naturally sit when you have food in your hand?
3. Doggy language. Despite comments above, we cannot speak doggy language and dogs cannot speak our language. This is important when it comes to training. You have to choose words for commands that both you and your dog will remember. Be careful not to choose very common words or else your dog will be easily confused when this word keeps appearing within the middle of a sentence. A common word often used in training dogs is 'come'. For this example, it may be better to use a slang version or combine 'come here' into a single short word.
The important thing is that when you decide on a word for a command to stick with it and be consistent, otherwise your dog will become confused.
I know it can be difficult, especially if you come home to your new TV pulled off the cabinet, to always use pre-selected words when talking to your dog. Your dog does not speak human language and will only know what those few words you have trained it with are (and the tone you have used). So if you start using other words or different tones your dog will not understand.
For example: imagine someone speaking to you in a foreign language asking for directions to the city hall. You can't understand a word they are saying yet they get more and more frustrated, talking in a louder and quicker language. Is it your fault you can't understand them? Why are they getting angrier when you have no idea what they are saying? What is their problem? What will I do? Similarly, if you haven't trained your dog to understand what 'sit' is and you start shouting 'sit', 'down on back legs', 'down', etc is it your dog's fault it is looking at you confused and increasingly scared.
4. Puppy behaviour. Just like babies, puppies do not know how the world works or how they are supposed to behave within that world. They need to be taught and learn what is good, bad, right or wrong.
A healthy and happy puppy will be a bundle of energy, desperate to explore as much as they can as quickly as they can. Dogs do not have good eyes that can see things or hands that can feel the intricacies of objects. Instead they have noses that can smell things and mouths that can chew objects.
While this can come through training and general maturing, the importance of this is that you must be patient and understand where your dog is coming from and why it does what it does.
5. Structure and enjoyment. While I have in a round about way touched on these two above, no dog training information would be complete without mentioning these two aspects on their own.
However you decide to train your dog, as with routine, you must have a structure to your training. If you have never trained a dog before, how do you know when your dog can start learning to sit, stay, etc and when it can run down to the local shop and pick the paper up for you?
You need to know what it is you actually want to train your dog to ultimately be able to do and what steps you need to take to get to that point. Personnel dog trainers, dog training classes and dog training guides can all do this. Personally, I prefer to train my own dogs and believe that in the end you develop a much stronger bond with your dog. Also, your dog is more obedient to you rather than the trainer. However, at the very least, and particularly if you have never trained a dog before, I would recommend purchasing a dog training guide.
The small amount of money for a dog training guide, compared to the time you would waste searching for free online tips that will be a mix match of training and will not provide the structure, is just not worth it. More than that, the time saved in training and the end result of a properly trained dog for the rest of its life (around 15 years) is worth many times more than the cost of even the most basic training guide.
If you, and more importantly your dog, do not enjoy training then you will never properly train your dog. Training will take longer and be much harder. When you start training your dog remember they are most likely to be a puppy and at that age all they want to do is run and explore their new world. Be flexible with the time you plan to spend training. Try and keep training short but if your dog appears to be really enjoying it then be prepared to train for longer. Likewise if your dog will just not focus, then maybe leave it for a bit before going back to it. With a routine and structure to your training, your dog will soon learn that when it comes to training they need to focus for a short length of time and will be better able to do so.
I hope the above has been helpful in your desire to train your dog. By knowing why and how your dog does what it does, you should be able to understand it's behaviour much better. By using this understanding you can better bond with your dog and train your dog. A good training routine and structure as well as plenty of patience and eventually you will have a well trained dog. Always always always make sure training is enjoyable for both you and especially your dog.
If you found this dog training advice article helpful, please feel free to visit my website for more information. As well as dog training guidance such as the best dog training book you will also find lots of information on being a good dog owner and how to keep your dog healthy.
Please feel free to distribute this article provided you include this resource box.
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Dog Training

This is perhaps one of the most challenging issues facing a dog owner, be it a puppy or a wild one.
- Does your dog seldom listens to you?
- Do the barking, the biting or the housebreaking issues drive you crazy?
- Are you embarrassed by your dog in public?
-.....Or maybe you just want a happy, disciplined dog?
Are you ready to get your dog to listen to you, anywhere you go? And fix all of your dog's behavior problems, the quick and easy way? And make your dog a happy and affectionate companion in the process?
Good. Because you're about to learn the same techniques used by professional dog trainers to save time and money by learning dog obedience training that doesn't require you to waste time using stuff that doesn't deliver maximum results in minimal time.
All dog owners should know some basic training methods, as it will prove helpful to you in long run. And basic training for your dog implies the achievement of a basic education for the dog - the learning, communication and responding to basic obedience commands.
Some of the most basic training command that should be taught in the first place are:
* Come
* Sit
* Stay
* Wait
* Down
* Stand
* Okay
* No
* off
* Leave it
* Drop it
ALWAYS BE A CONSISTENT COMMANDER - Basic dog training methods can be taught efficiently and effectively by repeating with the same commands, pointing out the desired action, reinforcing the good behavior and keeping your dog's attention. You do it by calling out the same basic commands many times during the day including during play time and while walking your dog.
TIMING YOUR DOG'S TRAINING - One of these key aspects concerns the time of the training sessions. Dogs respond best to short, sharp commands so training moments with your dog should be short, intense and interesting so that he wouldn't loose his attention, interest and capability of responding to the demands. Starting with small goals or 10 minutes of intensive training may go a long way in helping your dog to train successfully. Dog training must always be only conducted when your dog is alert. The best time to train your dog is when it's hungry.
DON'T GIVE IN TO YOUR DOG'S EVERY DESIRE - Always exercise discipline first and then affection. Never give out rewards just because your dog gives you a pitiful or cute look but only when he or she performs a correct behavior. Once your dog has learned your commands and hand signals, begin to give lesser rewards.
Conclusion, it is always a pleasure to own any dogs with some form of basic training. They are fun, reliable, less unlikely to misbehave and will not only exhibit good behavior and manner but it will also benefit everyone.

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Training sit and stay

How to teach a beginning sit/down stay

Major Dog Training Problems

Dogs are not easy to train. You will have to dedicate time and effort in order t train the dog. Remember that dog training is better when done by professionals. But if you really want to train your dog at home, you will have to make sure that you have learned a few things before beginning.

One you have learned enough to begin, you can start with curing the basic problems. All the dogs have some common issues which you will have to solve. If your dog barks a lot, you will be in trouble. You will have to cure dog barking to start with. You will keep on doing the other things like the dog social training and dog obedience training along with all this.

When you are trying to stop your dog from barking, keep it in mind that dog barking is natural. You can not ask your dog not to bark. But yes, you can reduce it. Your dog will bark as this is the only way a dog knows to express himself. You should start by understanding why yourdog barks. If you will know this, you will be able to train him more efficiently.

One important thing to keep in mind is never to reward your dog for his barking. The dog training is all about making the rules and then following them. You will have to make it clear to your dog that you will not be allowing any behavior which breaks those rules. Keep the same rule going with the dog barking. Tell your dog clearly that you are not going to reward him when he barks. This will help you to train him even better.

The other major problem with the dogs is digging. Many dog owners are worried by this habit and they want to get rid of it. But the proper time to teach your dog not to dig unnecessarily is the first few weeks. You will have to teach your dog to learn alternatives. The dogs love digging and they should do it. But you will have to make them understand that they can not dig anywhere they like. You can specify a time and a place for them to dig. Most of the good dog trainers take their dogs out and give them time to dig. This helps the dogs and they do not do it in the home.

You dog will behave properly if you are training him well. There are various training methods which you can use. You can learn these methods and see what works best for you and your dog. Some times the same method does not work on all the pets and you may have to find an alterative according to the nature of the animal.

Dogs are not easy to train. You will have to dedicate time and effort in order t train the dog. Remember that dog training is better when done by professionals. But if you really want to train your dog at home, you will have to make sure that you have learned a few things before beginning.

One you have learned enough to begin, you can start with curing the basic problems. All the dogs have some common issues which you will have to solve. If your dog barks a lot, you will be in trouble. You will have to cure dog barking to start with. You will keep on doing the other things like the dog social training and dog obedience training along with all this.

When you are trying to stop your dog from barking, keep it in mind that dog barking is natural. You can not ask your dog not to bark. But yes, you can reduce it. Your dog will bark as this is the only way a dog knows to express himself. You should start by understanding why yourdog barks. If you will know this, you will be able to train him more efficiently.

One important thing to keep in mind is never to reward your dog for his barking. The dog training is all about making the rules and then following them. You will have to make it clear to your dog that you will not be allowing any behavior which breaks those rules. Keep the same rule going with the dog barking. Tell your dog clearly that you are not going to reward him when he barks. This will help you to train him even better.

The other major problem with the dogs is digging. Many dog owners are worried by this habit and they want to get rid of it. But the proper time to teach your dog not to dig unnecessarily is the first few weeks. You will have to teach your dog to learn alternatives. The dogs love digging and they should do it. But you will have to make them understand that they can not dig anywhere they like. You can specify a time and a place for them to dig. Most of the good dog trainers take their dogs out and give them time to dig. This helps the dogs and they do not do it in the home.

You dog will behave properly if you are training him well. There are various training methods which you can use. You can learn these methods and see what works best for you and your dog. Some times the same method does not work on all the pets and you may have to find an alterative according to the nature of the animal.

Read more: http://www.articlesbase.com/pets-articles/major-dog-training-problems-1928509.html#ixzz1UFjhruIu
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Choosing a Dog Breed: Medium Sized Dogs

You are looking for the perfect dog. A Chihuahua is too small and a Great Dane is far too big. Something in between a chipmunk and a polar bear would be fine. What are the best medium sized dog breeds? It is a good idea to research the different dog breeds before you make this important investment. After all, if your new pet is going to be part of the family, he or she will have to pass all of your tests.
Springer Spaniel- I am biased toward these breeds; both the English Springer Spaniel and the Welsh Springer Spaniel. Growing up, our family dog was a 'brown' and white Springer Spaniel. This breed is energetic and cheerful, but also well mannered. These dogs are very good with children and make excellent family pets. Very athletic, it would help to have a backyard when buying this breed. They require regular grooming.
Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier- The secret is out. This breed is becoming a popular house dog and family pet. With bangs that cover their eyes, this dog resembles a small golden sheepdog. They are energetic, yet well mannered; more like the Springer Spaniel and less like a terrier. They are not always good with very small children and small pets. However, they are good for families with bigger children and they can do well indoors if well trained. They require regular grooming, but they do not shed making them good for people with allergies.
Beagle- When I think of the beagle, I think of the famous Red Baron himself: Snoopy, of course. This smallish scent hound makes a great energetic and playful family pet. They do well with children and other pets. They require regular grooming and exercise. The beagle would prefer having a yard.
Border Collie- These good looking dogs are thought to be the most intelligent breed of dog. They are also one of the most high energy. Border collies were bred to herd livestock. They require a lot of exercise and attention. These dogs are not great around small children and small pets. These athletic dogs do well in agility competitions. They are not apartment dogs and require regular grooming.
English Bulldog- The bulldog is often confused with pit bulls. This flat faced and stout breed, however, is a much more gentle dog. English bulldogs do well with children and can do well with other pets. They like human attention and can make good guard dogs. They require regular grooming.
Cocker Spaniel- These handsome and smart dogs can make excellent house pets. They are not great for small children, but can get along with other pets. They are a somewhat temperamental breed. Their long hair requires regular grooming. These dogs are energetic and playful and require regular exercise. With the right training and care, they are sure to be cheerful and loyal pets.
Chinese Shar-Pei- These distinctive dogs have wrinkled faces and black tongues. They are adorable, but were actually bred as guard dogs. They are loyal family dogs, but are not good around small children and other dogs. Shar-Pei's make excellent watchdogs and good family dogs. Their grooming and exercise requirements are minimal.
Staffordshire Bull Terrier- The 'Staffie' is a stout and athletic dog. Their fighting days are long behind them, and today they make loyal house and family pets. They are good with children, but, generally, not with other pets. They are good watchdogs and can do well in an apartment if they get enough exercise. Regular exercise is a must, but grooming requirements are minimal.
Jack Russell Terrier- These adorable dogs have distinctive white and dark (often tan) coats. Unaware of their small stature, they are bold and fearless. A very active breed, they require a lot of exercise and attention. These dogs are not good around small children and other pets. Not a lot of grooming is required. They make loyal watchdogs.
Dalmatian- The black spots on their white coats make these dogs recognizable. This is a versatile breed with many talents. They make excellent watchdogs and good family pets. They are not recommended around small children, but they can do well with other pets with the right training. They like human companionship and require regular exercise. They are not apartment dogs and require regular grooming.
Chow Chow- It would be fair to name this dog 'fluffy.' The Chow is a dignified and thoughtful breed having an independent streak. They are good family dogs, but are wary of strangers. These dogs are not good around small children and generally, don't get along with other pets. Chow Chow require regular grooming. They require minimal exercise and can be apartment dogs if they are taken on short walks regularly.
Basset Hound- The long, floppy ears of the Basset Hound don't like to be pulled on. Other than that these dogs are excellent around children and good around other pets. They are gentle and lazy dogs who make wonderful family pets. Basset Hounds shed a lot and require some grooming. Regular exercise will keep these dogs from becoming overweight. They are prone to howling now and then and can be watchdogs.
Australian Shepherd- The 'Aussie' actually originated in the Western U.S. as a stock dog. They are versatile and high energy dogs. The Aussie also excels in agility competitions. They are intelligent and loyal dogs that like being given things to do. These dogs are not apartment dogs and need at least a backyard. Grooming requirements are minimal. They are known for their multi-colored eyes.
Sussex Spaniel- These dogs are low built and sturdy spaniels. They are brown, reddish, or grey in color with some curly hair on their floppy ears. Usually they are calm and gentle and can be good family dogs. With training, they can be good around children and other pets. They require regular grooming. They can be apartment dogs, but require regular exercise.
Corgi- The corgi is a very distinctive long and low dog with big, upright ears. They are intelligent, energetic and vocal. They do well in apartments and indoors if they get enough exercise. They are protective dogs and do well with older children and other pets. Grooming requirements are minimal.
Laurence Burrows is a golden retriever lover and trainer. For golden retriever pictures, Click Here. For more info and resources about golden retrievers visit the Loyal Golden Retriever.

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